"John, David, Daphne, worked together across the world divide to produce for us all the Pocklington Web-site. John with his patience, expertise and humour, David for customising the ideas for the UK pages. Daphne for her Office acumen and design flair. All of us group members say, thanks for a job very well done" - Doug

The 'Tindall/Faithfull' line of descent on this site was provided by Brian Faithful Tindal and can also be found on -

The 'Wood' line of descent together with family photos kindly provided by Alan Wood - see also -

The 'Bosanquet' family photos courtesy of Merelina Ponsonby - see -

The descendants of 'Edward Asser Gepp' together with an up-date' kind permission of Alex Hall - see also -

The descendants of 'James Pocklington and Mary Sissons' daughter Elizabeth' kind permission of John Whitehead

The 'Macan' family members kindly provided by Constantin Roman

The 'Goose' family members kindly provided by Dave Perkins

The 'Luesby' family members kindly provided by Alan Luesby and he can be contacted by clicking here.

The 'Willoughby' family up-date kindly provided by Judith Willoughby

The descendants of 'Elizabeth Anne Vowe' kindly provided by Daphne and Chrys Stevenson

The 'Stonor' family up-date kindly provided by Raelene Wheeler

The ancestors of 'Nicholas Tindal' kindly provided by Don Graber

The descendants of 'William Owen Pocklington' kindly provided by Rachael Hampton

The descendants of 'Elizabeth Pocklington and Thomas Shipman' kindly provided by Rodney Wilkinson

Thank you to Rick Edwards for adding a few more family names to the 'Waite' family.

Thank you to Margaret Porter for adding a few snippets of information to the 'Tindal' line

Carl Waite has written a book about the 'Waite' family, entitled, 'Matthew Waite & Connections', a copy of which is deposited in the Leicester Record Office. He is also the author of a database of the name plus its variants - Carl can be contacted via Admin on this site.

The Lincs Database courtesy of Dick Weindling

Family member Lucy Pocklington ran away from home, married a prince and wrote a book, entitled, 'The Return of the Prodical Daughter' - see -

Thank you to Richard Brookes for adding a few snippets of information to the 'Bosanquet' line. Richard and Sharon are the now owners of West Down House in Devon a once Bosanquet residence (now a vacation property) - see -

Thank you to Stephen Lalor for additional information relating to the Tindal line. He is interested in anything to do with Matthew Tindal (1657-1733) and the descendants of his nephew Nicholas Tindal - Stephen is the author of a book entitled 'Matthew Tindal, Freethinker' and can be contacted by clicking here.

The descendants of Eva Siddy Sant kindly donated by John Cook and can be contacted by clicking here.

The descendants of John Spouge kindly provided by Patricia Vickers who can be contacted by clicking here.

The descendants of Thomas Pocklington of Holbeach, born 1805 kindly provided by Terry Wells and he can be contacted by clicking here.

The descendants of Robert Boscombe Pocklington kindly provided by the late Doreen Price. (daughter Wendy can be contacted by clicking here. )

The Read/Blomfield connections and descendants of Richard Read kindly provided by Sarah Blomfield who can be contacted by clicking here. - see also www.Rootsweb under taylorblomfield.

The descendants of William Brewster kindly provided by Adrian Taylor who can be contacted by clicking here.

Thank you to Cheryl Agnew Bass for additional information relating to the Lawrence line and kindly providing the descendants of Harold Purvis. - Cheryl can be contacted by clicking here.

The Winter/Bomford connections and descendants kindly provided by Catherine Holman who can be contacted by clicking here. - see also for a very extensive Pedigree.

Thank you to Rosemary Milton-Thompson for kindly providing additional Gowlland family members - see also for a very extensive Pedigree. Rosemary can be contacted by clicking here.

The Faithfull/Tindal/Turner connections and Faithfull tree from 1753 kindly provided by Brian Faithfull and also the ancestral tree of Anne Halse. Brian can be contacted by clicking here.

The Shelton/Cooke/Stone family members kindly provided by Rosie Frost. Rosie can be contacted by clicking here.

The Banning/Raven family members kindly provided by the late Lisa van Schaick-Banning - Lisa is the author of 2 books relating to the Banning family. (son Menno can be contacted by clicking here.)

The Powell family members kindly provided by Basil Halhedand can be contacted by clicking here..

The Cherry/Ellis descendants kindly provided by Margaret Pocklington and also for researching some of the Saxon and other early dynasties. Margaret con be contacted by clicking here.

The life choices of Ann Pocklington daughter of John and Elizabeth Pocklington (nee Priest) and other snippets kindly provided by Jean Ffrench. Jean can be contacted by clicking here.

The Addlesee family members kindly provided by Lee Pocklington together with additional Pocklington data. Lee can be contacted by clicking here.

Descendants of Leonard Hugh Pocklington kindly provided by Barbara Pocklington together with up-dates to data of his ancestors. Barbara can be contacted by clicking here.

Thank you to all group members who have raided their photo albums to add faces to names of ancestors

Another big thank you to all group members who busily research to add a few more names to the extended 'Pocklington' family groups.

*** Please Note - Photographs donated will be added as soon as possible and others as and when received.