Material typed in an e-mail message can easily be lifted out for pasting into the member's page.
Windows Users
To submit text for your own page please do the following.
1: Open Windows Notepad ( You will find it under Windows Accessories) 2: Type the name that you want for your page. e.g. John's Page. 3: If you want your e-mail address to be shown on the page then type it next. 4: Type the text that you want on the page. Save as a .txt file (Notepad does this by default) and send as an e-mail attachment to the webmaster.
I will then simply copy & paste your text into your webpage.
Macintosh Users
1: I imagine that Macintosh has a text generator capable of saving a file with the .txt extension. If this is the case then procede to points 2, 3 & 4.
2: Type the name that you want for your page. e.g. John's Page. 3: If you want your e-mail address to be shown on the page then type it next. 4: Type the text that you want on the page. Save as a .txt file and send as an e-mail attachment to the webmaster.
I will then simply copy & paste your text into your webpage.
Windows users who wish to be adventurous can download Notetab a free replacement for the windows notepad. It makes the task of generating webpages a lot easier.